Hazy "Dream" MP3 + "Road" MP3 From the band that never was, the albums that never were, the songs that almost were. The lyrics, titles and cover art that definitely did happen. These are the last two songs on the first Hazy album, Atmos . Just like Rick Rubin said, ask someone to write ten songs for an album and inevitably the most recent two are the best ones. I'm pretty sure no one has heard this stuff in its entirety, at least I hope not. On "Dream", I used an old funky drum break for the drums, then some clean bass & guitars, all reverbed beyond reason. The vocals are the weak link, naturally. Hopefully they're low enough in the mix that they don't ruin the whole thing. If that's even possible. "Road" has a drum loop from who knows where. Actually I do know where, it was an old remix kit sent by a friend for a very early bunch of Acid remixes. We're talkin' like 1998 or 99 here. So he played the drums, which is why...