from the mixdown 'album' As Isn't

"One More Thing to Make You Stupid". MP3
The drums & most of the melodic stuff was done with the old Casio SK-5 sampling keyboard. I sampled my drum set, which is why the snare sounds so pingy & pungent. The bass line was played on the keyboard & I think there are two tracks of distorted guitar. The mixdown was boomy & peaky, which was due to my misunderstanding at the time that everything needed to have lots of bass to be punchy. Derf.

"One More Thing to Make You Stupid". MP3
The drums & most of the melodic stuff was done with the old Casio SK-5 sampling keyboard. I sampled my drum set, which is why the snare sounds so pingy & pungent. The bass line was played on the keyboard & I think there are two tracks of distorted guitar. The mixdown was boomy & peaky, which was due to my misunderstanding at the time that everything needed to have lots of bass to be punchy. Derf.
That was sweet.
It's one of the oldest riffs in the book!
The book of my endless recycling of riffs I wrote in high school.